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Peak Engineering Steel Supply Case Study

The Brief

Steel Fabrication Peak Engineering

A Perth-based construction company is making in-roads to regional areas, and wins a tender for the Margaret River Recreation Centre renovation.  They reach out for local steel supply. Their intention was to seek the majority of the steelwork from Chinese suppliers, and ask local suppliers to meet their evolving needs on demand.

Lead times when dealing with overseas suppliers can often be problematic.

We were happy to help with ad-hoc requests for steel supplies as they arose. Our steel supply ethos is to carry as much stock as possible to negate the impact of fluctuations in overseas supply chains. In this case there is always the possibility of overseas steelwork being deemed unfit or needing altered specification. We ensured that the project was prioritised with our steel supply team, and booked a set out hours into the workshop in case steelwork was urgently required.

We Love It When A Plan Comes Together

Although our client intended to just order the balance of smaller steel from us and do any work themselves on-site, no plan survives first contact. We ended up increasing those reserved workshop hours and sometimes our team were engaged from 3 days to a full week. Work included constructing heavy duty downpipes, all the cafe decking steel, aluminium canopies and copious amounts of repair work. Luckily our obsessive planning ahead meant that we were able to cope with added workload and tight time-frames.

Since this project, this new client has placed repeated steel orders with us, and we have completed numerous projects with them.

A New Partnership

We are committed to a standard of service that isn’t frequently found in the steel supply and fabrication industry. Whilst it isn’t easy to deliver on our ambitions, when we do it well, it establishes trusted relationships. This client is now a familiar face and at the time of writing, we are engaged in several local projects together. All of them carry high expectations and all have tight time-frames.

Do you want to achieve weld domination™ with us?

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